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Twilight Webinar: Pupil Premium: Enhancing Support for Disadvantaged Students

Course Code:


Learn about the purpose and impact of Pupil Premium funding, identifying eligible students and their specific needs. This webinar will cover strategies for using this funding effectively to provide targeted support, improve academic outcomes, and close the achievement gap for disadvantaged students.


4.00pm: Understanding Pupil Premium
  • Definition and purpose of Pupil Premium funding
  • Identifying eligible students and understanding their needs

4.30pm: Implementing Effective Pupil Premium Strategies
  • Strategies for using Pupil Premium funding to improve outcomes
  • Providing targeted support and interventions for disadvantaged students

5.00pm: Assessing Impact and Refining Strategies
  • Methods for evaluating the impact of Pupil Premium interventions
  • Reflecting on and refining Pupil Premium strategies based on outcomes

5.30pm: Webinar Ends

This course, tailored to suit, can be delivered in your school. Discuss this further with our CPD team on 01625 532974 or click below to make an enquiry.

Matt Bromley



Learn about the purpose and impact of Pupil Premium funding, identifying eligible students and their specific needs. This webinar will cover strategies for using this funding effectively to provide targeted support, improve academic outcomes, and close the achievement gap for disadvantaged students.


4.00pm: Understanding Pupil Premium

  • Definition and purpose of Pupil Premium funding
  • Identifying eligible students and understanding their needs

4.30pm: Implementing Effective Pupil Premium Strategies

  • Strategies for using Pupil Premium funding to improve outcomes
  • Providing targeted support and interventions for disadvantaged students

5.00pm: Assessing Impact and Refining Strategies

  • Methods for evaluating the impact of Pupil Premium interventions
  • Reflecting on and refining Pupil Premium strategies based on outcomes

5.30pm: Webinar Ends

Additional information

Location and Date

Twilight Webinar | Wednesday 06 November 2024

Enquiry Form

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