Teaching AQA A-Level PE For The First Time
Course Code: T0006
£249.00 – £289.00
This course is designed for teachers who are new to teaching AQA A Level PE, or who wish to improve their understanding to enable their students to achieve higher grades. The sessions are designed to improve delegates’ understanding of the AQA specification and ensure that candidates have the best opportunity to maximise their potential grades. Delegates will receive new teaching approaches as well as key guidance in how to develop exceptional examination and NEA techniques in AQA A level PE to maximise students’ success when delivering the course for the first time.BENEFITS OF ATTENDING
- Obtain excellent understanding of the complexities of the AQA A Level P.E. specification
- Examine how to maximise success in the NEA units
- Gain insight into the content, the exam structure and how the exams are marked
- Develop your teaching in specific topic areas to raise standard of achievement
- Examples of extended A-level questions: how to prepare students to get the most possible marks
Introduction: Identifying Methods That Will Enhance Performance From The Start
10.00am- Overview of the specification- introducing the scheme of work and baseline assessment
- Analysing the assessment criteria and looking how to incorporate AO1, AO2 and AO3 in your lessons
- Recognising which areas will be the most challenging and preparing for these
- Identifying your support network and making the most of it – Particularly in a small department
11.15amTackling the Challenging Content of AQA A level PE
11.30pm- Planning and teaching the more demanding topics from anatomy, physiology and biomechanics – What these are and how to factor them into your teaching
- Making complicated concepts easy
- Teaching ideas, related questions and supporting resources to help improve student understanding
- Teaching for the different types of questions, with examples, so that you can help students access all the available marks
- Designing formative assessment and feedback through focussed starters and plenaries into your teaching
Skill, Sports Psychology and Socio-cultural issues
12.15pm- Why are these so challenging for many students?
- Planning for success, teaching methodologies and using retrieval practice to boost student performance
- Teaching ideas with associated questions and resources, from selected topics from Skill, Psychology and Socio-Cultural issues
- Getting students involved in their learning – Making theory ‘practical’
1.15pmManaging the NEA
2.15pm- Performing, coaching and officiating: What you have to teach and what the students have to do
- The AQA standard at different grades and getting your students to reach it
- How to structure a programme of practical teaching and assessment that helps your students gain the best marks
- Techniques to help students construct excellent written coursework: Where and why they can struggle in A level with this skill
Effectively Tackling The Theory Examination
3.15pm- How to approach teaching A-level exam skills with confidence
- Teaching towards the ’endgame’, what language to use, ensure you are marking ‘like the examiner’ and secure grading
- Focus on essay structure in exams, how to pick up easy marks, and what top grade responses look like
- Marking and assessment strategies: supporting students to access the higher level grades
- Extended (8 and 15-mark) answers – Ideas for development
Final Tips and Plenary
Teaching AQA A-Level PE For The First Time
Ross Howitt is Principal Moderator and Coursework Advisor for a major exam board. He has managed a strong team of teachers in one of the country’s largest and most successful providers of A Level Physical Education and brings a wealth of experience to this course. Ross has a strong reputation for delivering focused and informative INSET courses and is a regular provider of articles and information to a number of educational periodicals. He provides educational consultancy in schools/ colleges around the country.