This course will support teachers to maximise success in the Non-Examined Assessments, using effective strategies for the delivery of Components 3 and 4, worth 40% of the overall GCSE.
Delegates will also improve their ability to submit accurate assessments through a close focus on exemplar materials. This course is valuable for all current or prospective teachers of Pearson Edexcel GCSE PE.
- Gaining a full understanding of the importance and requirements of the NEA components
- Organising timing, progress and assessment of the Component 3 practical activities
- Gaining effective strategies to support students in the writing of the Personal Exercise Programme.
- Handling the administrative requirements successfully
- Making full use of Moderators’ reports and advice.
- Discussing examples of good practice and common faults
Overview, principles and aims of the assessments
10.00 – 11.00am
- Analyse the content and structure of the assessments
- The process of student selection of activities, and how best to organise your scheme of monitoring and formative assessment
- Using the practical criteria to develop target setting
- How to teach the NEA skills of analysis to ensure students can achieve high marks
- Data collection, analysis and submission of marks
Morning Break
11.00 – 11.15am
Success with Component 3 – Practical Performance
11.15 – 12.45pm
- In-depth coverage of the moderation and activity requirements: ensuring students are working to the criteria.
- Practical performance – how to demonstrate skills in progressive drills and full context
- Sharing the practical criteria with students to support progress and target setting.
- Engaging with example material to standardise your internal marking
- Discussing the range of practical activities – groupwork feedback
- Developing sample assessment sessions in sample activities
- Planning for successful moderations – with moderator feedback.
Lunch and informal discussion
12.45 – 1.30pm
Component 4: Personal Exercise Programme
1.30 – 2.30pm
- Applying new guidelines and support material
- Considering how best to integrate the PEP into your teaching
- Explore the grading criteria – what differentiates work across the grades
- Explore best practice for selecting and applying SMART targets
- Learning from last year’s best marked work
Afternoon Break
2.30 – 2.45pm
2.45 – 3.30pm
- Administrative guidelines
- Take part in standardisation exercise using the assessment criteria
- Sharing effective ideas for handling the PEP
- Action planning