New Specification Updates: AQA A-Level Psychology

Course Code: T0321 £289.00


This new course will focus on the AQA A Level Psychology specification updates and the diverse questions featured across the 3 exam papers. An in-depth course exploring high impact strategies that raise attainment and support students to access top marks in examinations. You will leave equipped with knowledge of the latest evidence-informed teaching, learning and assessment practice as well as feedback from the most recent exams. How to tackle tricky topic areas with a particular emphasis on developing the essential A01, A02 and A03 assessment skills. In addition, the course includes access to a range of resources and practical strategies that will enable you to meet the needs of your most able students and ultimately increase A and A* grade attainment. Examples are taken from the AQA examination, but the course will be of benefit to all teachers of A-Level Psychology.


  • Guidance on how to plan, prepare and successfully implement the new specification updates.
  • Review exam feedback to Identify the main areas where students lose marks when answering exam questions
  • Explore the range of question types across all three exam papers and how to extract information from a question to allow access to all the marks available
  • Implement strategies to boost subject knowledge and assessment skills.
  • Analysing data to monitor progress and inform strategic interventions with successful outcomes
  • Develop an understanding of accurate assessment, marking and feedback.
  • Develop greater understanding of what examiners are looking for in Grade A/A* responses
  • Take away a range of innovative teaching ideas and resources to impact your pupils’ learning immediately.


Preparing for the AQA A-Level specification updates and examinations.


  • Intent – Rationale and clarity on the new specification updates. Cognitive overload and how to deal with a content heavy specification. Strategies for helping students to deal with and retain theoretical knowledge of Psychology.
  • Implementation - Effective planning strategies to implement the new specification updates. Review of schemes of work, T&L resources and assessment progress trackers.
  • Impact - Research and data analysis to monitor and inform strategic interventions and departmental training.

Paper 1


  •  Paper 1 overview of the specification updates and planning for successful implementation.
  • Decoding the questions – understanding the command words and embedding Tier 3 subject specific terminology. Strategies for selecting appropriate content and effective planning for both structured and extended questions.
  • Exploring what the examiners are looking for in the diverse range of examination questions including multiple choice, stem questions and essays.
  • Developing student’s exam skills; A01, A02 and A03 assessment skills. Exemplar strategies on how to signpost and elaborate effectively.
  • Implementation of high impact T& L strategies and how to embed these in the delivery of Paper 1 topics.
  • Explicit evidence of outstanding marking, assessment and feedback.
  • Developing lower ability students- creative strategies to motivate and engage learners.
  • Synoptic skills to stretch and challenge the more able to achieve an A/A*.



Paper 2


  • Overview of the specification updates and planning for successful implementation.
  • Decoding the questions – understanding the command words and embedding Tier 3 subject specific terminology. Strategies for selecting appropriate content and effective planning for both structured and extended questions.
  • Exploring what the examiners are looking for in the diverse range of examination questions including multiple choice, stem questions and essays.
  • Developing student’s exam skills; A01, A02 and A03 assessment skills. Exemplar strategies on how to signpost and elaborate effectively.
  • Implementation of high impact T& L strategies and how to embed these in the delivery of Paper 2 topics.
  • Explicit evidence of outstanding marking, assessment and feedback.
  • Developing lower ability students- creative strategies to motivate and engage learners.
  • Synoptic skills to stretch and challenge the more able to achieve an A/A*.




Paper 3


  • Overview of the specification updates and planning for successful implementation.
  • Decoding the questions – understanding the command words and embedding Tier 3 subject specific terminology.
  • Exploring what the examiners are looking for in the diverse range of examination questions including multiple choice, stem questions and essays.
  • Developing student’s exam skills; A01, A02 and A03 assessment skills. Exemplar strategies on how to signpost and elaborate effectively to go beyond basic A01 knowledge and understanding.  
  • Implementation of high impact T& L strategies and how to embed these in the delivery of Paper 3 topics.  
  • Explicit evidence of outstanding marking, assessment and feedback. Assessment trackers, progress checklist, digital technology, genius questions and exam wrappers.  
  • Synoptic skills to stretch and challenge the more able to achieve an A/A*. Boosting knowledge, evaluation and application of challenging topics



Reflect and Review - Next Steps


  • Preparing for OSTED and Departmental Deep Dives
  • Preparing for Lesson Observations
  • Preparing for work scrutiny  
  • CPD Training  
  • Beyond the specification

Questions and Depart


A-Level - Code: T0321

New Specification Updates: AQA A-Level Psychology


Rosie Hussain (MBA in Senior Leadership in Education) is a highly experienced and innovative classroom practitioner, with over 20 years in leading departments and delivering high quality T&L training. She has a wealth of skills and expertise as a Head of Psychology as well as leading Research and development in a secondary school and sixth form college. As an AQA A-Level Examiner and Fellow member of the Chartered College of teaching she prides herself in providing high impact evidence-based practice in order to improve Teaching & learning in education.

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