Leading an Outstanding English Department
Course Code: T0212
These are exciting and challenging times to lead in an English department. This course considers what excellence in an English department looks like, and the role a Head of English has in helping to achieve and maintain such excellence. It examines strategies for optimising teaching and learning, and for maintaining the high profile position of English within a school. It will conclude with an overview of what the working year of a Head of English involves, and of the opportunities and challenges the job presents at various stages in its life cycle. It will offer constructive, pragmatic advice derived from experience, and will aim to incorporate lively discussion and Q&A sessions. Delegates will leave equipped with effective practical strategies and ideas. This course is designed for current Heads of English and for anyone interested in holding such a position, or in contributing to the management of an English department.BENEFITS OF ATTENDING
- Consider what makes an English department excellent, and the role of the Head of English in achieving excellence
- Look at ways in which a Head of English can develop and improve teaching and learning within the department
- Enhance your ability to lead, support and nurture teachers in the department
- Examine the yearly workload of a Head of English and the life cycle of the job
- Reflect on strategies for dealing with the challenges and making the most of the opportunities presented by a Head of English position
- Meaningful conversations about your curriculum: Intent, Implementation and Impact
- Take away strategies, specific to English, to lead and inspire outstanding teaching and learning
What does a successful English Department look like in your school?
10.00am- Exploring the context of your English department in terms of its strengths, challenges and areas for improvement.
- Developing and communicating a shared a vision of excellence in English and maintaining high expectations.
- Developing realistic improvement priorities and maintaining a focus on these.
Leading on Curriculum and Assessment in English
10.45am- Exploring the features of an effective English curriculum in terms of challenge, coherence and sequencing.
- Mapping and designing logical and coherent models of progression in English from Y7 onwards.
- Improving and developing your English curriculum in manageable and incremental steps.
- How to design and implement valid and accurate assessments in English.
- How to monitor and track performance and use assessment findings and data to support development and improvement.
11.30amLeading Outstanding Teaching & Learning In English
11.45am- Developing a shared language around teaching and learning in English.
- Using research evidence to support effective teaching and learning in English.
- Modelling excellent teaching and learning as a Head of English.
- How to develop a culture of purposeful practice and rehearsal in your English Department.
1.00pmLeading the professional development of your team
2.00pm- How to design an effective programme of professional development in an English Department – dos and don’ts.
- Developing an effective approach to line management within your English Department.
- The role of coaching and feedback in professional development
- How to support the whole team – from your most effective to least effective practitioner.
2.45pmHow It Works: The Head Of English
2.50pm- How to cope with the pressure and accountability of being a Head of English.
- How to manage one’s time and workload.
- How to delegate and ‘share the load’ effectively.
- Top tips for communicating effectively with your team.
- Planning ahead and finding time to do so.
- Working with the SLT
- Peaks, troughs and the long run: responding to success and failure
Leading an Outstanding English Department
Andy Tharby is a very experienced teacher of English and Head of Department who works in a large Secondary school on the South Coast. Alongside this, he has a number of years’ experience in the design and delivery of training within the Research Schools network, specialising in areas such as classroom practice, literacy and teacher development. He is also regarded as national expert on practical strategies for teaching and learning and has written three books on evidence-informed classroom practice: Making Every Lesson Count, Making Every English Lesson Count and How to Explain Absolutely Anything to Absolutely Anyone.