GCSE Spanish: Aiming for Grades 8-9
Course Code: T0136
This course is specifically aimed on ensuring your GCSE Spanish students achieve the highest marks. It will focus on exploring the characteristics of work produced by students at the highest levels and delve into a range of teaching materials and strategies, designed to ensure that students achieve the top grades of 8 and 9.BENEFITS OF ATTENDING
- Take away teaching ideas and approaches that challenge and develop grade 8 and 9 students
- Explore exemplar GCSE Spanish materials to identify characteristics of outstanding work
- Develop creative strategies to accelerate learning and raise standards
- Take away strategies and approaches to maximise students’ marks in the examination
- Scrutinise and discuss exemplar grade 8 and 9 answers
- Insights into what success looks like in examinations
- Find out more about giving the most effective feedback to 8/9 calibre students
- Gain insights on how to stretch and challenge high ability students
The Assessment Demands For Top Grade Outcomes in GCSE Spanish
10.00am- What are the barriers to attaining high grades?
- What is required to achieve a top band mark and how do we get there
- Review characteristics of Grade 8-9 GCSE Spanish students in the GCSE
- Lessons learnt from the 2024 examination series – What students need to do to ensure that they achieve the highest grades in 2025
10.45amStretching and Challenging Your More Able Students
11.00am- Analysing Grade 8/9 responses to increase opportunities for high grades in GCSE Spanish
- strategies to 'read around' unfamiliar words and phrases
- Strategies to promote ‘high order thinking skills’ not ‘more of the same’
- Encourage students to create effective study materials
Maximising Exam Performance: Review Where Top Marks are Lost and How to Avoid Them
11.30am- Ensuring your grade 8/9 students know exactly what examiners are looking for, how to structure answers, and the skills needed
- Embed Assessment Objectives in GCSE Spanish – Staying focused on the end-goal
- Excellent starters and plenaries
- How to best approach and structure high mark exam questions to achieve top band
- Teaching strategies which maximise marks in the exams’
12.15pmExemplar Grade 8 and 9 Answers
1.15pm- Grade descriptors, activities, practical teaching strategies
- Model answers for Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3, and Paper 4
- Candidate style answers and commentaries – What examiners look for
- Peer marking and its role in improving skills – Teaching students how an examiner recognises a top band answer
Effective Feedback for Grade 8/9 Students – Comments, not Marks
2.00pm- Feedback strategies to stretch able GCSE Spanish students to maximise their potential – Asking questions as feedback, no mark - just feedback, amending answers using mark schemes
- Feedback suggestions that challenge and move forward high grade students
- What an examiner looks for in a top band essay using exemplars
- Going beyond a template, getting students to understand what a top-grade essay looks like
2.45pmPreparing For Exam Success
2.50pm- Effective teaching strategies to support your high ability GCSE Spanish students in preparing for examinations 3 steps to revision success
- How to get high ability students to take ownership of their GCSE Spanish revision
- Balancing exam technique and specification requirements whilst encouraging student engagement with Spanish in the wider world and signposting to A-Level
GCSE Spanish: Aiming for Grades 8-9
Juliet Park is Director of Languages for the Share Trust, she has been an AQA trainer for several years with a particular focus on GCSE. She is a consultant for the AET trust, an advisor to BBC Bitesize and supports schools nationally with training and maximising teacher and student performance.