Eduqas A-Level Drama: Aiming for A/A*
Course Code: T0289
This course will demonstrate how to achieve Grades A and A* with your highest-ability students following the Eduqas A-Level Drama and Theatre specification. The course will provide teaching and learning ideas for all components across the two-year course, focusing on strategies to facilitate and challenge higher-ability students to achieve their potential. Using feedback from recent examinations, the course will outline what is expected of higher-ability students, offering methods to build your teaching practice around these expectations. This course also explores how to design your A-Level curriculum holistically to ensure success. Teachers will leave with proven strategies and approaches to implement in their teaching practice.BENEFITS OF ATTENDING
- Increased awareness of what teachers should aim to achieve with the most able Drama students
- Gain the latest evidence-based practices to challenge A/A* students
- Take away strategies and methods to meet the demands of Grades A and A*
- Detailed analysis of Component 1, including practical and written exemplar work at A/A* level
- In-depth exploration of Component 3, including strategies to teach the written paper effectively
- Practical strategies for facilitating outstanding practical work and coaching students to reach their full potential
10.00am Achieving A and A in Eduqas A-Level Drama
- Characteristics of A/A* A-Level students
- Exploring your school and cohort: identifying which students can achieve these grades
- Designing a two-year course to bridge the gap between GCSE and A-Level
- High expectations and high rewards: teaching at a high level from Day 1
10.30am Component 1: Devising Theatre – Teaching for Maximum Impact
- Unpacking A/A* standards: what are the characteristics of top students nationally?
- Strategies for raising attainment and teaching to the top through planning, guidance, and support
- Key takeaways from the Examiner’s Report, Assessment Criteria, and Mark Schemes
- Tips for achieving top grades in The Devising Portfolio
- Practical methods for students to create innovative and outstanding performances
11.30am11.45am Achieving A/A* in Component 3: Interpreting Theatre – Section A
- Preparing students for the demands of the written paper and high-level analysis
- Strategies to engage students before, during, and after live productions
- Guiding post-production discussions to enhance critical analysis
- Analysing exemplar answers: what does a Grade A/A* response look like?
- Training students to break down questions, write confident introductions, and structure top-band essays
12.30pm Lunch
1.30pm Achieving A/A* in Component 3: Sections B and C
- Structuring your Section B Set Text Scheme of Work to meet the needs of top-end students
- Preparing students for Section B Performer Questions: teaching them to demonstrate depth and originality
- Analysing A/A* exemplar work to identify key characteristics of success
- Tackling Section C: developing students’ confidence as directors and meeting examiner expectations
2.50pm Break
3.00pm Component 2: Performing Theatre – Facilitating Outstanding Practical Work
- Unpacking A/A* standards in Component 2: what are top students doing differently?
- Choosing the right texts and casting decisions to showcase students’ abilities
- Supporting students in monologues, duologues, and group performances to achieve their potential
- Addressing common rehearsal and performance challenges
- Strategies for pushing design students and enhancing technical contributions
- Developing top-level performers: what makes an exceptional actor, and how to coach for excellence
3.45pm Depart

Eduqas A-Level Drama: Aiming for A/A*
Robert Wells has been teaching since 2011 and has a wealth of experience in both state and independent schools. He has held the role of Head of Department in three different schools, leading teams of staff and driving improvements in student performance across all ability levels.
In addition to his departmental leadership, Robert has served as an examiner and team leader at the GCSE level and as an Assistant Principal for A-Level Drama. His expertise is further strengthened through his work as a moderator and marker for three major exam boards, ensuring high standards in assessment and educational practice.