AQA A-Level Sociology: High Impact Strategies to Access Top Marks
Course Code: T0113
An in-depth course exploring high impact strategies that raise attainment and support students to access top marks in examinations. It will share ideas and accompanying materials that you can take-away and use immediately in the classroom. You will leave equipped with knowledge of the latest evidence-informed teaching, learning and assessment practice as well as feedback from the most recent exams. In addition the course includes access to a range of resources and practical strategies that will enable you to meet the needs of your most able students and ultimately increase A and A* grade attainment. The course will also place the students’ learning in the context of the next step with suggestions of how to engage the most able by opening the door on to further studying Sociology at degree level.BENEFITS OF ATTENDING
- Increase awareness of what success looks like for the most able Sociologists
- Gain the latest evidence-informed practice that challenges A/A* students
- Develop greater understanding of what examiners are looking for in Grade A/A* responses
- Challenge your students with problem solving, modelling and questioning to stretch pupils’ thinking processes
- Take away a range of innovative teaching ideas and resources to impact your pupils’ learning immediately
- Deepen your understanding of assessment criteria and mark schemes
- Bring back concrete strategies and ideas to share with other Sociology teachers
- Explore how to maximise success levels for your students in the examination
- Learn how to develop resilience so that talented Sociology students achieve their A/A* potential
Key A/A* skills: Mastery and Metacognition
10.00 – 11.15am- Strategies to construct outstanding exam responses, looking at example A/A* exam responses
- How to tackle the sticker exam questions and gain top marks
- Creating room for success: Training students to ‘Mentally step back’ and to develop ‘head space’ for clearer thinking under pressure
- Economic Implications and Concluding paragraphs - strategies to boost efficiency. Some of the most able students often ‘overwrite’, these strategies will help them ‘zone’ in to maximise top marks, with minimum effort
11.15 – 11.30amKey A/A* teacher skills: Feedback and Feedforward
11.30 – 12.30pm- Scaffolding as a key elements of high quality instruction, even the most able need to have clear structures.
- Providing high-order skills practice and supporting students in developing their own answers.
- Addressing key impact factors – ‘Teacher Credibility’ and ‘Student Expectations’ – research evidence suggests these a vital and I will share tips on how to address these.
12.30 – 1.30pmKey A/A* characteristics: Resilience and Wellbeing
1.30 – 2.15pm- How to support students with high expectations from falling backwards under the of perfectionism striving for a healthy balance
- Strategies to support mental health and motivation
- Strategies to build grit and resilience
- How to use practical mindfulness training to promote awareness and wellbeing, whilst teaching key concepts at the same time
Key A/A* Exam Skills: Getting top marks in A02/A03 questions
2.15 – 2.45pm- What does an A* AO2/3 response look like?
- Strategies to improve application skills for essays
- What does evaluation in an A/A* essay look like?
2.45 - 3.00pmKey curriculum insights for A/A*: Less is More strategies
3.00 – 3.45pm- Avoiding misconceptions by re-routing student expression – including phrases to solve errors in Sociology
- Use of ‘Threshold concepts’ and ‘Hinge questions’ – a way to challenge top end students and mid/lower end ability simultaneously
- Teaching research methods in context for depth of understanding – preparation for ongoing research at university and into their career
- How to deal with the range of content in Sociology A-Level – selectivity and re-cycling top tips for overlap key-studies that high end students can re-signpost across topics
AQA A-Level Sociology: High Impact Strategies to Access Top Marks

Nisreen Mohamedali is an accomplished professional with a proven track record in education. As Head of Psychology and Sociology since 2020, they have led successful initiatives to enhance departmental effectiveness and student outcomes at GCSE and A level. With expertise in exam marking, teacher training, and a deep understanding of pedagogical principles, they have delivered impactful whole-school training sessions. Additionally, their role as an examiner for AQA since 2014 adds valuable insight into assessment practices. Nisreen is a dynamic speaker, capable of sharing practical strategies to drive educational excellence.