AQA A-Level Chemistry: Aiming for A/A*
Course Code: T0335
This new course will demonstrate how to guide your best students to achieve Grades A & A* in future AQA A-level Chemistry examinations. The course will explore the characteristics of A/A* students identified in research and why and how we must challenge our most able Chemistry students. Focused extensively on evidence-based teaching, learning and assessment practice as well as feedback from the most recent exams, you will leave with a vast range of resources and practical strategies that will enable you to meet the needs of your most able students and ultimately increase A and A* grade attainment. Finally, we will look beyond the course to focus on preparing these students to continue studying Chemistry at university. The course is designed for teachers of AQA A-Level Chemistry but would be of benefit to teachers of other exam boards as well.BENEFITS OF ATTENDING
- Understand how applying current pedagogy regarding flipped learning and metacognition will transform your teaching of more able students
- Develop the use of mental models to promote student recall, supporting the teaching of the most challenging A-Level topics
- Develop greater understanding of the precision and detail that examiners are looking for in A/A* students
- Find out more about the barriers to progression and ways to support highly able students to overcome them
- A detailed look at the different demands of questions and how to prepare students to answer then effectively
- Take away a range of innovative teaching ideas and electronic resources to help advance your most able students
Focus on the pedagogy; how can it unlock the potential of A/A* students?
10.00am- Mental models, metacognition and flipped learning; how can they be practically applied and what benefits will they deliver
- Review characteristics of A and A* A-Level students
- How are A/A* Grades achieved?
11.15amThe Exams – Techniques and Tactics
11.30am- The key topics A/A* students find most challenging and how to scaffold
- Techniques for memory retrieval and recall and application to examination questions
- Dissecting examination questions- vocabulary & command words
- Strategies to improve responses to exam questions and signposting
- Dealing with the maths; a look at some of the challenging areas of physical chemistry including: challenging titration questions, graphs and related questions, pH and buffers
- Mechanisms: how to embed the academic rigour required to maximise marks
- Avoiding potential hazards – what can cost a top student their A/A* grade?
1.00pmThe key challenges for A/A* students in the Papers
2.00pm- Developing a deep understanding of core Chemistry concepts
- Practical questions; supporting students to write top level response questions every time
- Developing a personalised approach to note taking to support recall
- Activating prior knowledge to improve retention of key topic areas
3.00pmStretching and challenging the most able students
3.15pm- Moving on from GCSE approaches – highlighting the teaching differences from the start of the A-Level course
- What makes a strong A-Level response? How can we build up to this?
- Using wider reading to prepare for exams
- RSC Olympiad resources and Cambridge Chemistry Challenge – using questions over and above recommended reading, preparing for Oxbridge
- Embedding RSC Olympiad resources and Cambridge Chemistry Challenge resources into schemes of work and lessons to stretch the most able students in Chemistry
- Strategies for stretching A/A* students in a mixed-ability classroom and challenging complacent high-achievers
AQA A-Level Chemistry: Aiming for A/A*

Dee Martin is Head of Chemistry & STEM at Prince Henry’s High School in Evesham, an Academy with a non-selective intake. She is a Chief AQA and OCR A-Level Chemistry examiner. Dee currently delivers revision courses to schools across the country guiding teachers in preparing for exams and helping to raise student grades.