Pearson A-Level Psychology: Aiming for A/A*

Course Code: T0105 £289.00


This new course will demonstrate how to guide your best students to achieve Grades A & A* in future Pearson A-level Psychology examinations. The course will explore the characteristics of A/A* students identified in research and why and how we have to challenge our most able psychology students. Focused extensively on evidence-based teaching, learning and assessment practice as well as feedback from the most recent exams, you will leave with a vast range of resources and practical strategies that will enable you to meet the needs of your most able students and ultimately increase A and A* grade attainment. Finally, we will look beyond the course to focus on preparing these students to continue studying psychology at university.


  • Increase awareness of what teacher should aim to achieve with the most able Psychologists
  • Gain the latest evidence-based practice that challenges A/A* students
  • Develop greater understanding of what examiners are looking for in Grade A/A* responses
  • Take away a range of innovative teaching ideas and electronic resources for your most able students
  • Learn how to develop resilience so that talented psychology students achieve their A/A* potential
  • Focused on identifying the demands of Grades A & A* and providing materials to help teachers prepare students effectively
  • A detailed look at the different demands of questions


Challenging our most able students

10.00 – 10.45am
  • Who are our most able students?
  • Why do we have to challenge our most able students?
  • Essential and desirable skills required



10.45 – 11.00am

Focus on assessment demands for A/A* students

11.00 – 12.00pm
  • Developing effective strategies for ensuring independent learning in students to help reduce dependency and avoid a culture of spoon feeding
  • Examine the assessment demands of all components including the use of assessment objectives as a framework for assessment
  • Analysis of mark schemes – which sections/questions differentiated candidates?
  • Avoiding potential hazards: what can cost a top student their A/A* grade?

The key challenges for A/A* students in Paper 1 , 2 and 3

12.00 – 1.00pm
  • Embedding research methods throughout the course to access higher marks
  • Developing a personalised approach to note taking to support recall
  • Developing confidence levels to go beyond the textbook
  • How to make nuanced judgements and reaching balanced conclusions to hit the top band
  • Focusing on ‘complex tasks’ rather than ‘difficult tasks’ to achieve the A*
  • How to expand your students learning rather than just accelerate it



1.00 – 2.00pm

Stretching and Challenging the most able students

2.00 – 3.00pm
  • What makes a strong A-Level response? How can we build up to this?
  • Common factors and successful strategies amongst A* / A grade students
  • Effective questioning in the classroom
  • Making connections to develop synoptic thinking
  • Synoptic thinking at AS to help achieve the A* at A Level
  • Extra-curricular ideas that help get A and A* grades


Afternoon Break

3.00 – 3.10pm

Tactics for achieving the highest grades

3.10 – 3.40pm
  • Develop an action plan for success for students aiming for top grades
  • The shorter questions: what are the potential pitfalls?
  • Focus on the extended questions and essays: what does a grade A/A* candidate need to do?
  • Varying response practice to stretch the most able
  • Revision ideas to help students produce high quality responses



A-Level - Code: T0105

Pearson A-Level Psychology: Aiming for A/A*

Course Leader

Ali Abbas is a regular speaker at Educational Conferences and has been providing INSET to schools and colleges nationally, and now internationally since 2003 and was a key speaker at the Visible Learning World Conference, Edinburgh 2019 and the Aspire Psychology Conference, Dubai 2019. Ali is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors (FCIEA) and is a published author at A level and GCSE Psychology. He has taught for over 20 years and was a Principal Examiner with 13 years’ experience in writing Psychology exam papers and awarding grades for a major exam board, he was also part of the team that wrote the current A level specification.

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