Personal and Professional Development
We are here to provide outstanding professional development for you!
Overhaul any of our scheduled courses and deliver them directly to you, in your school on a variety of key topics and areas…
Looking to step up to you next role?
- Stepping Up to Senior Leadership
- Effective Middle Leadership
- New to Head of Department – The Behaviours of an Outstanding Leader
Want to improve your pedagogy?
- Aiming for Excellence: How to become an Outstanding Teacher
- High Impact Strategies to Improve Metacognition and Self-regulation
Need to refresh your subject knowledge?
- Refreshed & reinvigorated approaches to teaching
- Teaching for the first time
- Brilliant teaching
To find out more or to book call us on 01625 532 974 or email
Exam Services
This is not just an exam marking service, this is an opportunity to:
- Improve student grades and raise attainment
- Standardise marking in departments and across the whole school
- Provide valuable reassurance and guidance for students having their work marked by independent examiners
Our services include:
- Exam Marking
- Summary Diagnostic Reports
- Across school Performance comparison reports
- Examiner standardisation
- Teacher exam marking training
What to do next?
Call us on 01625 532974, email or complete an online enquiry form
Please give the following information in your enquiries:
- The subject, level (GCSE or A Level) and/or exam board that your enquiry relates to
- What options/tailoring you may be interested in
- Your model for the day ie. full day all students, ½ day all students, differentiated into groups, ½ day students / ½ day teachers
- How many (approximate) students/teachers are likely to be attending
- When would you like the conference to be held (term; month; specific day)
Included in the cost would be full organisation, a guaranteed top expert to lead the sessions and course notes printed and delivered to your school.