Leadership Cohort Groups
Bring our expert leadership CPD into your school!
Focus on leaders in your school, trust leadership teams, learning co-operatives and alliances or collaborate effectively with other schools.
We can provide full days, ½ days, standalone and breakout sessions and can accommodate any number of staff on a variety of key leadership topics and areas. Including…
- Addressing underperformance through the effective leadership of staff
- Raising Standards – Techniques to drive improvement
- The skills and qualities needed to be an outstanding leader
- Establishing successful relationships and effective strategies to communicate with parents
- Managing challenging conversations
To find out more or to book call us on 01625 532 974 or email online@keynote.org.uk
Exam Services
This is not just an exam marking service, this is an opportunity to:
- Improve student grades and raise attainment
- Standardise marking in departments and across the whole school
- Provide valuable reassurance and guidance for students having their work marked by independent examiners
Our services include:
- Exam Marking
- Summary Diagnostic Reports
- Across school Performance comparison reports
- Examiner standardisation
- Teacher exam marking training
What to do next?
Call us on 01625 532974, email info@keynote.org.uk or complete an online enquiry form
Please give the following information in your enquiries:
- The subject, level (GCSE or A Level) and/or exam board that your enquiry relates to
- What options/tailoring you may be interested in
- Your model for the day ie. full day all students, ½ day all students, differentiated into groups, ½ day students / ½ day teachers
- How many (approximate) students/teachers are likely to be attending
- When would you like the conference to be held (term; month; specific day)
Included in the cost would be full organisation, a guaranteed top expert to lead the sessions and course notes printed and delivered to your school.