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Twilight Webinar: Retrieval Practice

Course Code:


Explore the principles and benefits of retrieval practice in enhancing student learning and retention. Practical techniques such as quizzes, flashcards, and self-assessment will be discussed, along with methods for assessing the effectiveness of retrieval practice and refining instructional strategies based on student performance.


4.00pm: Understanding Retrieval Practice
  • Definition and principles of retrieval practice
  • The cognitive science behind why retrieval practice enhances learning

  4.30pm: Implementing Retrieval Practice in the Classroom</P
  • Practical strategies such as low-stakes quizzes, flashcards, and self-assessment
  • Using retrieval practice for different subjects and topics

5.00pm: Assessing and Reflecting on Retrieval Practice
  • Tools and methods for assessing the effectiveness of retrieval practice
  • Encouraging students to reflect on their learning and use retrieval practice independently
5.30pm: Webinar Ends

This course, tailored to suit, can be delivered in your school. Discuss this further with our CPD team on 01625 532974 or click below to make an enquiry.

Michael Chiles



Explore the principles and benefits of retrieval practice in enhancing student learning and retention. Practical techniques such as quizzes, flashcards, and self-assessment will be discussed, along with methods for assessing the effectiveness of retrieval practice and refining instructional strategies based on student performance.


4.00pm: Understanding Retrieval Practice

  • Definition and principles of retrieval practice
  • The cognitive science behind why retrieval practice enhances learning


4.30pm: Implementing Retrieval Practice in the Classroom</P

  • Practical strategies such as low-stakes quizzes, flashcards, and self-assessment
  • Using retrieval practice for different subjects and topics

5.00pm: Assessing and Reflecting on Retrieval Practice

  • Tools and methods for assessing the effectiveness of retrieval practice
  • Encouraging students to reflect on their learning and use retrieval practice independently



5.30pm: Webinar Ends

Additional information

Location and Date

Twilight Webinar | Wednesday 25 September 2024

Enquiry Form

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