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Pearson Edexcel A-Level Psychology: Preparing Students for Exam Success in 2025 and Beyond

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This brand-new course for all teachers of Pearson Edexcel A Level Psychology will explore how you can turn the mistakes made in previous exam series into an opportunity for positive change moving forward, fully preparing your students for success in the year ahead and beyond. This interactive course will support and challenge teachers in equal measures. You will leave with a thorough overview of the main lessons to be learnt from previous examinations and a wide range of ideas, methods and approaches to prepare students to maximise their potential in the 2025 exams. Emphasis will be made on the demands of the exams that are not met as well as they could be, and the implications this has for your A-Level teaching and learning.


  • Understand the main lessons to be learnt from previous examinations
  • Gain an informed overview of key areas of concern
  • Learn new and innovative ways to deliver areas that target these areas of concern
  • Experience and try out novel pedagogy in the classroom
  • Produce a strategic approach to maximise student success in 2025 and beyond


The Exam – Reflections and Approaches

10.00 – 11.00am
  • Feedback from the most recent exam: what is it essential to be aware of?
  • The main factors that affect examination success in all 3 papers and the challenges experienced by candidates
  • Deep-diving problem questions from the exam papers
  • How to engage students in the content of the course, and how to maximise their focus on what brings the most reward in examinations
  • Reflections on the most recent mark scheme and what this means moving forward
  • Starting to make a plan of action- what should we do? How should we do it?

Discussion: coffee break

11.00 – 11.20am

Extended Question Focus

11.20 – 12.20pm
  • How do students answer compared to what the exam board want to see
  • Strategies to decipher and meet the demands of the questions
  • Managing synopticity
  • AO3 Clinic: ways to embed debates in psychology; developing synoptic skills

Lunch and informal discussion

12.20 – 1.20pm

Research Methods

1.20 – 2.20pm
  •  Dealing with data in the manner that A-Level Psychology expects
  • Working with new and innovative methods to prepare students for data demands
  • Deciphering where marks are lost
  • Working on strategies to minimise the silly mistakes

Discussion: afternoon tea

2.20 – 2.30pm

Moving Forward and Maximising Success in 2025 and Beyond

2.30 – 3.30pm
  • Summary of what we have learnt
  • Producing a plan of action to maximise student success in 2025
  • Specific lessons to be learnt and how to prevent them from happening again
  • Ensuring whole department success – managing staff and developing a progressive teaching culture that organically learns and improves


This course, tailored to suit, can be delivered in your school. Discuss this further with our CPD team on 01625 532974 or click below to make an enquiry.



Ali Abbas is a regular speaker at Educational Conferences and has been providing INSET to schools and colleges nationally, and now internationally since 2003 and was a key speaker at the Visible Learning World Conference, Edinburgh 2019 and the Aspire Psychology Conference, Dubai 2019. Ali is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors (FCIEA) and is a published author at A level and GCSE Psychology.


  • Teachers of Pearson Edexcel A-Level Psychology
  • Heads of Department
  • Academic leads for Psychology
  • Prospective or new teachers of Pearson Edexcel A-Level Psychology


  • A specially prepared folder of detailed notes, practical advice and guidance
  • Notes prepared by the educational experts leading the course
  • Expert produced PowerPoint presentations
  • CPD Certificate of attendance



This brand-new course for all teachers of Pearson Edexcel A Level Psychology will explore how you can turn the mistakes made in previous exam series into an opportunity for positive change moving forward, fully preparing your students for success in the year ahead and beyond.

This interactive course will support and challenge teachers in equal measures. You will leave with a thorough overview of the main lessons to be learnt from previous examinations and a wide range of ideas, methods and approaches to prepare students to maximise their potential in the 2025 exams. Emphasis will be made on the demands of the exams that are not met as well as they could be, and the implications this has for your A-Level teaching and learning.


  • Understand the main lessons to be learnt from previous examinations
  • Gain an informed overview of key areas of concern
  • Learn new and innovative ways to deliver areas that target these areas of concern
  • Experience and try out novel pedagogy in the classroom
  • Produce a strategic approach to maximise student success in 2025 and beyond


The Exam – Reflections and Approaches

10.00 – 11.00am

  • Feedback from the most recent exam: what is it essential to be aware of?
  • The main factors that affect examination success in all 3 papers and the challenges experienced by candidates
  • Deep-diving problem questions from the exam papers
  • How to engage students in the content of the course, and how to maximise their focus on what brings the most reward in examinations
  • Reflections on the most recent mark scheme and what this means moving forward
  • Starting to make a plan of action- what should we do? How should we do it?

Discussion: coffee break

11.00 – 11.20am

Extended Question Focus

11.20 – 12.20pm

  • How do students answer compared to what the exam board want to see
  • Strategies to decipher and meet the demands of the questions
  • Managing synopticity
  • AO3 Clinic: ways to embed debates in psychology; developing synoptic skills

Lunch and informal discussion

12.20 – 1.20pm

Research Methods

1.20 – 2.20pm

  •  Dealing with data in the manner that A-Level Psychology expects
  • Working with new and innovative methods to prepare students for data demands
  • Deciphering where marks are lost
  • Working on strategies to minimise the silly mistakes

Discussion: afternoon tea

2.20 – 2.30pm

Moving Forward and Maximising Success in 2025 and Beyond

2.30 – 3.30pm

  • Summary of what we have learnt
  • Producing a plan of action to maximise student success in 2025
  • Specific lessons to be learnt and how to prevent them from happening again
  • Ensuring whole department success – managing staff and developing a progressive teaching culture that organically learns and improves


Additional information

Location and Date

London | Tuesday 26 November 2024

Enquiry Form

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